Alpha students worked on motor skills in a series of fun relay races. Last week it was observed that some of the students could not keep both feet together while jumping, so one of the races required the students to hold a beanbag between their knees. This enabled them to keep their feet together as they jumped from one cone to the next.
Students in Kindergarten learned how to play capture the ball this week.In this game students are divided into two teams. Each team has a home territory that they defend. The object of the game is to navigate the opponents territory and return safely with a ball. If your flag gets pulled while in enemy territory you are out and must return to your side and you give up your ball if in possession of one. Cardiovascular endurance is the health related fitness component worked, while agility is the skill related component of fitness worked.
Students in grades one through three started their soccer units. Dribbling was the focus of the first lessons. "NO TOE!" was the motto as students demonstrated through a baseline assessment their ability to dribble under control with the instep of their feet. Keeping the ball close was of utmost importance. Next up will be passing and trapping.
This week the fourth grade students took a shot at evaluating and observing each other. Each student was assigned to a group of three. A criteria sheet outlining all of the learning cues and common mistakes covered in the prior week for a button hook pass route was given to each student. Each student then took turns running the button-hook route, playing quarterback, and observing. The students did a great job and were very serious about going through the list and marking off what was done correctly and what wasn't. It was impressive to see just how well they could observe the details of this involved skill. The criteria sheet they used is below.